Automate your workflow

Put your process on autopilot

Managing an application and review process is a lot of work. Coordinating applications, communicating with stakeholders, capturing feedback -- it all adds up fast. Take back hours of that time with Apply’s smart workflow automations.


Turn tedious tasks into time saved

Apply’s automations are simple, configurable, and stackable. Pick a few rules using our visual editor. Schedule automations based on a specific time or workflow milestone. Click to enable, and you’re off!

  • Eligibility screening

    Weeding out ineligible applications is time-consuming. With eligibility quizzes, you can configure custom eligibility requirements and pre-screen applications automatically.

  • Reminders and notifications

    Application collection and review involves a lot of communication. With automated reminders and notifications, you can trigger confirmation emails when applications are submitted, send deadline reminders, update applicants when their status changes, and more.

  • Reviewer assignments

    Reviews are often prone to bottlenecks. With automated reviewer assignments, you'll speed up the process. Configure rules to automatically assign applications to individuals or review teams, randomize reviews, and more.

  • Application routing

    Have hundreds, or thousands, of applications to move between stages? With Apply, you can automatically move applications when specific tasks are completed, or when a set of requirements is met.

  • Data validation

    Tired of receiving incomplete applications? Set questions and tasks as required, enforce word minimums or limits, validate emails, and more -- so that every application is as complete as you need it to be.

  • Dynamic application requirements

    Create a personalized experience for every applicant. Show or hide applicant tasks and questions, or change whether they're required or optional, based on previously entered information.

  • Pre-populated applications

    Never ask applicants the same questions twice. Pre-populate forms for applicants based on Salesforce information, or from previously completed applications.

  • Charity verification

    Automatically verify organizations' identity and tax status during the application process. Check 501(c)3 verification statuses or use CRA's registered charity check.

  • Salesforce data push and pull

    Stop copying and pasting. Automatically push Apply data to Salesforce to tighten the feedback loop, or pull data into Apply to enrich applications.

With SurveyMonkey Apply, we created this automated, streamlined process. It made things a lot easier because students could fill out the application, go through a formal review process, and we could better assess their application and respond to their request in a timely manner. It reduced redundancy and increased efficiency in staff time.

– Jim Musgrave, Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment, University of Michigan Medical School

Ready to learn more?

Automate the repetitive, manual tasks in your application and review workflow and take back time for the things that matter most.

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