Apply for Fellowships

Spark innovation

Streamline your fellowship application process from end-to-end. Seamlessly collect and review applications, automate workflows, and select your best candidates.

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Trusted by leading organizations around the world

Create a seamless application and review process

Create a process that’s polished and painless - for everyone. With intuitive applicant and reviewers portals, streamlined applications, and powerful evaluation tools, SurveyMonkey Apply makes finding and selecting the right fellows simple, fast and efficient.

Fellowships Illustration

Make your work easier

You have a lot on your plate. Imagine if you had more time? SurveyMonkey Apply seamlessly integrates into the way you work, automates the repetitive, time-consuming tasks in your process, and frees up your time for the things that matter most.

Admissions Illustration

See how you’re moving the needle

Don’t be left in the dark. Access all your application and review data in real-time, monitor insightful dashboards, and create powerful reports. SurveyMonkey Apply helps you make sure that nothing falls through the cracks and your entire process stays on track.

See how you're moving the needle

Your entire application and review process, in one place

  • Applicant portals

    Direct fellowship applicants to a branded portal where they can easily view, complete and track all requirements.

  • Smart forms

    Create dynamic forms to capture the information you need. Make use of over 20 question types, skip logic, and more.

  • File uploads

    Accept documents and media files with ease, in the format you specify.

  • Eligibility quizzes

    Ensure you only received qualified candidates by automatically pre-screening incoming applications.

  • Automated references

    Make it easy for applicants to request reference letters, and for referrers to submit references, in one place.

Talk to us

Want to learn how SurveyMonkey Apply can help your organization? Interested in seeing a demo? Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch!

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