Tips & Tricks

Stay connected with integrations

Ross May

You need data at you fingertips to make informed decisions quickly. Organizations often store data in a variety of disparate systems and passing the information between these systems can be difficult, time-consuming, and prone to error.

By leveraging integrations, you can take advantage of data stored in external systems by seamlessly connecting other tools with SurveyMonkey Apply. Leveraging integrations, you can save yourself time and increase data accuracy by avoiding manual data entry. You can also increase visibility into relevant data among your teams, and promote healthy collaboration.

By connecting disparate systems, emergency relief foundations can respond faster with their aid, universities can share the good news of a scholarship more quickly, and granting organizations can award grantees with ease.

What’s more, you can spend less time connecting systems and processes, and more time connecting with applicants, reviewers, and recipients.

Apply offers a number of integration options for our customers. We’ve listed our favorites below, but encourage you to connect with our Customer Success team to explore even more integrations.


Salesforce Integration

Does your organization use Salesforce to store user records in one, central location? Use SurveyMonkey Apply’s Salesforce Integration to streamline your business processes with automatic data push and pull between Apply and your Salesforce instance. Using our Salesforce integration, you can push and pull data between the two systems using timed automations, giving you the data you need, when you need it. Keep your contact records up to date and synced by letting the two systems “talk” to each other.

Get started with your new Salesforce integration by checking out our Salesforce Help Centre Article!


Apply Connect

Imagine being able to move data between Apply and other systems on a larger scale. Or chain automations together, triggering data to move through your workflow and between systems automatically.

From Apply to a CRM, a user information system, a project management tool, or other systems – your data can now move between external systems seamlessly with our Application Programming Interface, Apply Connect.

Using Apply data, empower your other systems to do their magic and automate much of the business processes required to award your applicants, fund your awardees, schedule payments, and more – but it all starts with our data and Apply Connect.

To learn more about Apply Connect, click here!


Single Sign On

Empower your applicants to flow through each step of the application smoothly, starting right at registration. You can do this by leveraging one of our many Single Sign On (SSO) options.

Single Sign On allows your users to access Apply using the same usernames and passwords they already have set up as a member of your organization. This enables applicants, reviewers and administrators to sign in easily with one set of credentials.

In Apply, we give you a variety of SSO options from SAML to OAuth, making the integration between your site to Apply as easy as possible. Explore these options and others in our how-to article where you can find more information.


Want to get started?

Reach out to our Customer Success team to start using integrations in your Apply site today and to learn more about other integration options with systems such as User Information Systems or online payment systems!

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